* Writing a maven plugin for embedded (so it works as nicely as jetty's)

The efford of writing a Maven plugin just for Embedded could be put into Maven support for Arquillian instead.. :)  https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ARQ-14 

Arquillian would then support the same nice jetty style integration for all of its containers; Jboss Embedded, Jboss AS (Remote), GlassFish Embedded, GlassFish(Remote), Jetty, Tomcat etc based on simple classpath/configuration in Maven.

Aslak Knutsen; +47 952 38 791; fax +47 22 33 60 24
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http://www.conduct.no; mailto:aslak@conduct.no

Conduct AS - Professional Open Source Services
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