The JEMS installer for JBossAS 4.2.1.GA (JEMS Installer 1.2.1.CR3) packages JBoss Portal 2.6.GA for the portal configuration

and includes JBoss Messaging 1.3.0.GA.


What should be the testing criteria for these components?


JBoss Portal 2.6.GA ships with JBossAS 4.0.5.GA and there is no continuous integration testing of portal 2.6.x with jboss-4.2.x.


JBoss Messaging 1.3.0.GA was never included in JBoss AS Branch_4_2. Is there some sort of integration testing that can be used

for testing jboss messaging with JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA?


The installer release process ( just verifies the functionalities of the

Installer assuming all the components that go into it work together.


I just brought this up to verify the above components work before releasing the installer.



