Then I'm going to remove Commons Logging. Anyways I've no way to remove
JBoss Logging (used by the naming context factory), so even if Commons
Logging was superior then the choice would have been the same IMHO.
Scott Stark wrote, On 10/27/2008 04:45 PM (EEST):
Commons logging did not even exist at the time. Class loading, leaks,
conflicts due to hard-coded configuration names, etc. are all reasons why.
Andrew Lee Rubinger wrote:
> When I first signed on, I used Commons Logging to avoid the additional
> dependencies.
> I've not found an answer to why we use our own Logging framework. The
> Wiki:
> ...does not address it?
> I remember ClassLoading problems w/ Commons Logging:
> this still present?
> S,
> Aleksandar Kostadinov wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> Anybody minds having server manager to use jboss-logging instead of
>> apache commons-logging?
>> As of 0.1.2GA (JBASM-13) it uses commons-logging in the Server class.
>> But connecting to JBoss AS server, it already depends on jboss-logging.
>> So I'm going to switch it to use jboss-logging if nobody objects.
>> Regards,
>> Aleksandar