The patch file JBWEB-242.patch, which was appled to jbossweb trunk.
A tar containing a simple test project, built with gradle, pre-built war is in the build dir.
A jmeter test that calls the war index.jsp.
When run against un-patched code you will see the number of instances of com.test.tag.SimpleTag grow over time and never be released. There will also be an associated growth in org.jboss.invocation.Interceptor[], ChainedInterceptor and WeavedInterceptor. With the patch applied the leak no longer occurs. I have tested this on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final and the patch was applied to jbossweb trunk.
The patch file JBWEB-242.patch, which was appled to jbossweb trunk.
A tar containing a simple test project, built with gradle, pre-built war is in the build dir.
A jmeter test that calls the war index.jsp.
When run against un-patched code you will see the number of instances of com.test.tag.SimpleTag grow over time and never be released. There will also be an associated growth in org.jboss.invocation.Interceptor[], ChainedInterceptor and WeavedInterceptor. With the patch applied the leak no longer occurs. I have tested this on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final and the patch was applied to jbossweb trunk.