JBoss AS RPM weekly news, 21st April
by Marek Goldmann
Hey, weekly news are back! :)
1. Fedora JBoss AS test day is over.
The test went very well, only one small issue was found and is already
fixed upstream. The test results itself:
I wrote a small recap, take a look if you want:
2. Changes to the AS7 package in 7.1.0-3
- systemd files are now nice and short (yay!)
- It's now possible to run JBoss AS from different directory by
specifying the JBOSS_BASE_DIR environment variable
- jboss-as-cp script was added to make it easy to run AS7 from different
3. I'm about to upgrade to *7.1.1.Final*
I managed to rebase to version 7.1.1.Final and it seems it just works on
Fedora provided RPMs. In the short future I will update relevant
dependencies and push a new release to Fedora.
4. Repository changes
a) Since I'm going to move to 7.1.1.Final - a new "fedora-7.1.1.Final"
branch was created:
It is now the default branch for this repository.
b) Branch "fedora17" from jboss-as repo was removed because it was unused.
c) In the jboss-as-rpm repository a "fedora_master" branch was created
which reflect the state of the Fedora repository for jboss-as package:
Branch on github will be used to do the actual work as previous (pull
requests, etc) and later on it'll be merged with Fedora's repo.
Branch "fedora_master" is now the default branch for jboss-as-rpm repo.
Old branch "master" will be still there for historic purposes.
12 years, 9 months
How to run EAP / AS 7 - EDG - RHEV-M / ovirt - SOA-P side-by-side on a rpm based platform?
by Carlo de Wolf
I would like to come to a common packaging strategy for both RHEL &
Fedora for the whole AS 7 family and forward that as a recommendation to
Specifically the issue I want to address is installing and possibly
running AS 7 and ovirt side-by-side.
Subhendu and Julian put forward Jindrich's proposal of "Dynamic Software
Would it make sense to use DSC as a base strategy?
Who sees any obstacles and possible solutions?
To kick off:
- interdepencies of DSCs are yet undefined, thus the whole multi-version
dependency management issue is only lifted to another level
- /opt is off-limits for Fedora. Can we use /usr/share instead?
12 years, 9 months
Using RPM packaged JBoss AS in different location by different user
by Marek Goldmann
Hi All,
With the upcoming jboss-as-7.1.0-3 the usage outside of
/usr/share/jboss-as directory and by different user to jboss-as was
simplified. Below you can find steps how you'll be able to use it.
Let's go with an example. I'm assuming you have a user called "tom".
1. Create required directory structure
# Let's go to his home directory
cd /home/tom
# Create the root directory where we want to store
# JBoss AS configuration and temporary data
mkdir jboss-as
cd jboss-as
# Create required direcotries
mkdir data deployments log tmp configuration
2. Copy required configuration files (feel free to use your own!)
# Let's copy the logging.properties
cp /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/logging.properties
# Let's copy the mgmt-users.properties
cp /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties
# Copy standalone.xml
cp /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/standalone-web.xml
3. Boot the server! (yep, that's all)
JBOSS_BASE_DIR=/home/tom/jboss-as /usr/share/jboss-as/bin/standalone.sh
-c standalone-web.xml
But if you want to run a JBoss AS service by different user using
different configuration (hi oVirt guys!) then you need to create two
additional files:
Description=Tom's JBoss Application Server
After=syslog.target network.target
ExecStart=/usr/share/jboss-as/bin/standalone.sh -c $JBOSS_CONFIG
Of course feel free to tweak these files.
Remember, everything you see above will work after 7.1.0-3 gets released.
12 years, 9 months
Developer question
by Doron Fediuck
Hi guys,
Something I see a lot in mailing lists is an issue of permissions
for developers;
When a developer will install JBoss from RPM, it'll probably get
root permissions and the jboss:jboss as an owner.
A developer who wishes to deploy his/her work, will need to hack
the deployments folder so his maven or any other framework could
actually deploy it.
I'd like to know what's your view on it, and will you consider
providing some script or install option for developers (jboss-set-dev ?)
in order to handle this and maybe other issues?
12 years, 9 months
JBoss AS RPM weekly news, 2nd April
by Marek Goldmann
Hi all,
Long time, no talk! :)
1. Current status: 103/97/1/2/0
103 packages in total
97 packages in Rawhide / F17
1 packages waiting for review
2 packages in progress
3 packages skipped
0 packages having issues
Skipped packages are those which were cleaned up earlier, submitted, but
not required anymore because some project dropped the dependency.
What those stats say us? We're almost there, only a few packages left
(which will land in Rawhide today I think)... and we're done!
2. Initial JBoss AS 7 spec file will be submitted for review *today*
This submission will not include Hibernate dependency, as we don't have
it yet. But it still makes sense to push it so others can test it. You
can see the current state of the spec file here:
3. Plans for the (short) future
We need testers. After the package gets approval from the reviewer - we
need help with testing. Every issue should be reported here, on IRC or
directly in Bugzilla.
I'll prepare a special standalone.xml which reflects all available AS7
subsystems so you can poke around. This will include (almost - no
hibernate) everything what's required for the web profile.
Systemd init scripts needs to be created.
Maybe we'll do a JBoss AS test day too:
Proposed date: 15th or 16th April.
That's all for now, new info shortly.
12 years, 10 months