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Attach sources/javadoc to libraries in EarContent/lib directory in EA Project

created by Piotr Bezpalko in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion



is it possible to attach sources/javadoc to libraries in EarContent/lib directory in enterprise application project?


In Java Build Path window (for projects other than ea (e.g. ejb, web) preferences) there is no list of jars.

When go into details I can see: The EAR Libraries classpath container dynamically computes the Java EE project's module classpath dependencies using the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Class-Path entries.


I found bug for WTP Tools https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=150754. Its state is resolved, but I couln't find any further information how to attach sources/jabvdocs.

I'm not even sure if "EarContent/lib" functionalities in JBossTools are taken from WTP Tools or overriden.


(Eclipse 3.6 Helios, release 2, Build id: 20110218-0911),

(JBoss Tools 3.2),




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