JBoss Community

Re: jBPM 5 on JBoss AS 6.

created by vasiliki oikonomidou in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Francisco,


I am currently trying to adapt jbpm 5 in jboss 6 and i have the same question with you. One thing I noticed, is that after a specific build the installation ant scripts do not support other versions of Jboss, except 5.1. In addition, you have to exclude a number of jars from the installation war files in order to deploy guvnor and jbpm succesfully on jboss 6. As for Seam 3, I think that currently there is no decision made in the version of Jbpm that will be used. I read on a forum that probably jbpm 5 will be included in Seam 3.1. Anyone else that has an answer on this?





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