Hi Hui and rafitanba,
first of all thanks for the step by step guide,
but i think that this is not the best way to build
compile and distribute a bpmn process.
From the guvnor console (http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/Guvnor.html)
you can build your package (in my case the defaultPackage) whith your source code and bpmn process (committed by eclipse guvnor plugin).
If all goes well you can read : "Building a package will collect all the assets, validate and compile into a deployable package. Download binary package.". The package have the pkg extension and have a binary content (no zip no jar no war). The question is: where and how can I release this package in jboss/jbpm box?
I think this is the problem.
thanks in advance for the reply. ;)