I've integrated Jbpm 5.3 with my webapp and PostgreSQL persistence and Mina human task server working on sockets.
I'm fresh in jbpm and currently I'd like to do my first real life process that will run every week and wonder how can I do something like this:
1. Every week I want to create a list uf users in my application (users log to the application and register themselves on the list).
2. Then the registered users can go to a particular person and make a payment. The person taking the payment should register who made a payment.
3. At a particular time in time (e.g. every Sunday morning) I want to send an email to all the users from the list.
4. People that receive the email, get a link to a form where they can make a decision.
5. At a particular time in time, the number of people who made a particular decision is counted and the information about all those peple is send via email somewhere.
I'd like to know what is the best way to desing such a process, for example - part 1. - it has to rerun several times and I don't know how many times it would happen.
Initially I tried to make an event and trigger the event every time a new user registers, but actually how to do such a thing that the process will listen for the event all the time
and fire a script every time the event is signaled (not once, but unknown number of times).
Another issue - 4. People receive email and make a decision - I suppose it should be handled by human task server, but I don't know how many human tasks node
I need, and what actorId should be specified in each of them, since the number and actor ids are decided on runtime.
I'll be thankfull for your suggestions about the design.