Hi Scott,
I have found a quite wierd solution. Actually, I just stumbled upon it. We were using NetBeans 6.0.1 for WebService development. The major issue was that threads were not released properly and still hung around for a lot of time with the Tomcat status as :
GET /TargetServiceManagement-war/TargetService?wsdl HTTP/1.1
Another important one : Target WSDL parsing happening for each time a WS is invoked.
Shifting to NetBeans 6.8 has solved the issue. No other modifications were made to JBoss server. I have redeployed the code with NetBeans 6.0.1 and tested again and found that the threads still hung. But with NetBeans 6.8 code (no changes in the java files that we have written. None at all), no hung threads are noticed.
Supecting that there has to be some changes in XML files, I've compared their contents and there are changes in the jax-ws.xml. There are a lot of <wsimport-options> present in the NetBeans 6.8 version code, which probably might be stopping the re-parse of full WSDL.
The following are the options added in the new version jax-ws.xml :
<wsimport-option-name>wsdlLocation</wsimport-option-name> <wsimport-option-value>http://JBOSS:8080/war/Service?wsdl</wsimport-option-value>
I don't know how the threads hanging thing is fixed. But its fixed with the NetBeans 6.8 version developed code.
If someone knows answers to these things, please post them here.