JBoss Community

Timing Issue with Datasource configuration?

created by Tom Brey in Datasource Configuration - View the full discussion

In our JBOSS environment, we have many services that come up when initially starting up JBOSS.  Most of these are scheduled or on-demand services, but we have one where it comes up and starts on its own.  This service initiates a routine we call our 'InitialCleanupThread', which will attempt to re-queue or complete any entries in our MySQL DB. The problem we are having that the datasource for the MySQL DB is not properly configured at startup time.  If we 'stop' and 'start' the service with the 'InitialCleanupThread', then everything runs fine.  We have a lot of people with some experience with JBOSS, but no one person who really knows it in detail. 


The general consensus here is that it is simply a timing issue when JBOSS is initially started.  Obviously we have a workaround that I mentioned above, and I know I can code around it by requiring a manual intervention to start this process.  I am just wondering if there is a way we can configure our way around this.  I am not the guy who originally created the JBOSS configuration, so I don't know what configuration / XML files to include here.  In truth, I am a developer who needs more information about the JBOSS configuration, but online searches have been fruitless.  Any suggestions or insights will be helpful.


Output from the service is shown below:


2012-12-21 10:03:54,213 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] Loading the configuration properties.

2012-12-21 10:03:54,222 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] The configuration properties are successfully loaded.  The number of properties loaded is:57

2012-12-21 10:03:55,953 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] Query version number = '02.00.00'. Query = select version_num from icsms.reftbl where schema_name = 'smsig' and schema_date IN (select MAX(schema_date) from icsms.reftbl).

2012-12-21 10:03:55,954 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] SMSIGLoader is ok to run. Starting Initial Clean Up Thread.

2012-12-21 10:03:55,960 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] Create a control thread to read the load file from the source file directory.

2012-12-21 10:03:55,968 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] **** FTP directory Monitor - Started with scan rate 60 *****

2012-12-21 10:03:55,969 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] **** Status 0 Load Control Record Monitor - Started with scan rate 60 *****

2012-12-21 10:03:55,998 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.ControllerThread] Offset Increment = 3600000

2012-12-21 10:03:55,996 ERROR [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] ErrorCode[VLD-MGR-4001] AppErrorDesc[Error when looking up the data source of the control table connection pool. Please see tool error detail and verify mysql-ds.xml is deployed in JBoss.] ToolError[MySqlSmsigControlTableDS not boundParameters[DataSourceJNDIName:java:/MySqlSmsigControlTableDS]

2012-12-21 10:03:56,077 ERROR [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] ErrorCode[VLD-MGR-4001] AppErrorDesc[Error when looking up the data source of the control table connection pool. Please see tool error detail and verify mysql-ds.xml is deployed in JBoss.] ToolError[MySqlSmsigControlTableDS not boundParameters[DataSourceJNDIName:java:/MySqlSmsigControlTableDS]

2012-12-21 10:03:56,139 ERROR [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.SMSIGManager] ErrorCode[VLD-MGR-4001] AppErrorDesc[Error when looking up the data source of the control table connection pool. Please see tool error detail and verify mysql-ds.xml is deployed in JBoss.] ToolError[MySqlSmsigControlTableDS not boundParameters[DataSourceJNDIName:java:/MySqlSmsigControlTableDS]

2012-12-21 10:03:56,332 ERROR [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.InitialCleanUpThread] ErrorCode[VLD-ICU-3003] AppErrorDesc[ICU completed abnormally.] ToolError[Service Stopped.]

2012-12-21 10:03:56,332 INFO  [ - ][com.syniverse.SMSIGLoaderTierOne.InitialCleanUpThread] ICU Completed.

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