Hi Brian,
Nice post. Some good suggestions there.
Those other extension points are:
It's used as a means to contribute annotation processors which are used for validating (JAX-WS) annotations to the APT Annotation processor factory in org.eclipse.jst.ws.annotations.core.
See the org.eclipse.jst.ws.jaxws.core plug-in for examples on how this extension point is consumed.
Classes contributed to this extension point can serve two purposes. The first when the annotation is being created using the view or the new bottom-up web service wizard (using CXF). The initializer can provide member value pairs for the annotation.
The second purpose is the ability to provide content assist proposals for an annotation when content assist is invoked from within the quotation marks of an annotations member string value.
See the org.eclipse.jst.ws.jaxws.ui plug-in for examples there.
Yes we can look at pulling the annotation information from the project in the workspace. Please log an enhancement request and i'll have a look into it.
Thanks guys,