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Completing join's any activity obsoletes other active activities in Nested Fork/Join Workflow

created by Puneet Garg in jBPM - View the full discussion

Completing any join activity obsoletes other active activities in Nested Fork/Join Workflow



I am using JBPM4.4. I have attached a workflow, which I am using.

In given workflow I am using multiple forks and joins.


Workflow Description:

  1. activity3 I am using fork, so by completing activity3 it will create activity6 and activiy9.
  2. completing activity6 it will create activity14 and activity15.
  3. completing activity9 it will create activity16 and actvity17.
  4. and activity15 are connected to a separate ORJOIN (i.e. join with multiplicity with 1). So when either of activity gets complete will create activity20.
  5. activity16 and activity17 connected to a separate ORJOIN.  So when either of activity gets complete will create activity21.
  6. and activity21 connected to a ORJOIN. So when either of activity gets complete will create activity38.
  7. activity38 gets complete finishes instance.



At time when activity14, activty15, activity16 and acivtiy17 are active, completing any one activity marks rest other activities obsolete.  In case I am completing activity14 then it should only mark activity15 obsolete not activity16 and activity17.

It is trying to handle join’s dangling nodes. But finds all active nodes as dangling nodes.


Analysis: I looked at JoinActivity implementation. To get dangling nodes code is written to get all executions of current parent. Which gives all active nodes.


Do I need to handle in different way to get expected result? Or it’s issue with JBPM4.4?


Let me know in case more info needed. Any help appricated.




Puneet Garg

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