Fernando  many thanks for responding back .
I have another very baisc query realted to  TWIDDLE :-
For running TWIDDLE commands ,does we can only connect  over JNP port defined in <JBOSS_HOME>/conf/jboss-service.xml or do we also other ports as well over which we can run the TWIDDLE commands
Can you guys please share any documentation link which has very extensive documentation over TWIDDLE utility

From: Fernando Lozano <fernando@lozano.eti.br>
To: jboss-user@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Monday, 10 December 2012 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [jboss-user] Fw: [Beginner's Corner] - Re: Twiddle queries

Hi Vicky,

You can't have two or more processes listening for connections on the same port number. You can check your instances logs and see the all but one has a java.net.Exception stating it cannot start the JNP service / listener.

You have to configure, using the Binding Manager MBean or some other way (which is your jboss as / eap version?) a different JNP port for each instance, and them you use the port number to identify each one for twiddle.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

Can someone please help me on my below query :-
In my environment there are 5 jboss instances which are running on same machine & having same JNP port number.

I want to know that using TWIDDLE command how can we uniquely connect to each of the instance.

Please suggest i don't know much about it


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