JBoss Community

Console server not returning processinstances after restart

created by Adam Bach in jBPM - View the full discussion

I have noticed following situation:

1. I open jbpm console, login as krisv

2. I create 3 process instances of Evaluation process

3. I can see those process instances in console and human tasks are assigned to krisv.

4. I restart jboss

5. I can see no Evaluation process instances in the console.

6. I look into database and I can see process instances in processinstanceinfo table

7. I look into database and I can see that no process instance has been finished.

8. I try manually call console-server with: localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/com.sample.evaluation/instances

   but i get empty list as result.


It seems that console server can see only those process instances that have been created while server is running. Do sth wrong or is this realy big bug of console?

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