well if you are definig the proces through the diagram, you can select a node and do the following steps:
- Create a class under the following Package com.xxx.yyy.workflow.action. call it MyClassHandler
- MyClassHandler should implement org.jbpm.graph.def.ActionHandler.
- in execute Method you should implement what you like to do (call EJB, orsystem.out, call database, change process variables....)
- Go to your processdefinition.xml
- Select the node to which you want to assign an action
- under Properties View, select Action tab
- select Configure Action
- go to Details and add the class name that implements your node action. For example : com.xxx.yyy.workflow.action.MyClassHandler
- choose "Field" as a Config Type
- select Handler in the dropdown list
- Save the process Definition
This description is for a simple node. Some changes mut be done for Decision nodes or other components.
Hopefully it helped