JBoss Community

Cannot map java:/JmsXA to web app resource as java:comp/env/jms/JmsXA

created by chris.wolf in JNDI and Naming - View the full discussion



This is my first post.  I want to use a JMS ConectionFactory via a Resource Adapter, therefore I want the CF boud to "java:JmsXA".  I want to access this from a web application, but it cannot "see" this (returns null upon attempt to lookup).  I don't understand why this is an issue since the web app is in the same VM as the JBoss server.  I wonder if there are other isolation mechanisms to consider for web apps accessing the "java:" namespace?


I know that "JmsXA" can be reconfigured to be in the global namespace, but that will impact other applications on the server that expect it in the "java:" namespace, so that's not an option.


Then I read how these resources can be mapped into a web app's private ENC namespace:




So in my WEB-INF/web.xml, I put:








...and in WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml, I put:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<jboss-web xmlns:xs="http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema" version="5.1"









Then in the web app code I tried to do a lookup for "java:comp/env/jms/JmsXA" but it returned null.


How can web app code access java:JmsXA??


I already searched this forum and FAQs, e.g.





but there's no info on web app code accessing java:JmsXA.


If I re-package my code as a Spring deployment and deploy using "Snowdrop", then the same code works and can access "java:JmsXA", but I'd rather

depoy as a web app.




Oh and it's JBoss-6.1.0  due to legacy apps, we have to stick with this old realease for now.





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