JBoss Community

Re: jbossws-native: Publish HttpContext via Endpoint API

created by Pedro Correia in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

Hi Alessio,


Thanks for your input, my comments below.


>>> the Endpoint.publish() API is meant to be consumed directly by final users in JSE environments only;


This may be an interesting discussion, since in '09 it did not appear to be that clear e.g. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBWS-2674

Here you were aiming at «Implement Endpoint.publish() support for both JSE and J2EE environments»


>>> there's nothing in the spec saying you're granted to have a deployment on the already running container in JavaEE environment; btw, the TCK for >>> that used to assume a new server is actually started


One can also argue there is nothing in the spec saying that you cannot have a running container. The TCK exemplifies with a «hypothetical HTTP server».


Ok, I agree that once you establish this interface is valid only for JSE this is a useless discussion.

What is most tricky is that JBossWS-Native went from using Tomcat as Endpoint.publish default target container (with or without hacking) to NOT supporting it at all, at least programatically.

That is a pain because, if not for better reason, broke the support for programmatic publishing on JBoss-AS :)




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