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Security question about DatabaseServerLoginModule and SOAPFaultException

created by André Simões in EJB 3.0 - View the full discussion


I want to know how can i solve the SOAPFaultException error that jboss send when a valid user try to access to a role that do not belong to it.


Example of code exception with a C# client



@WebContext(contextRoot = "/HeComm", transportGuarantee = "NONE", authMethod = "BASIC", secureWSDLAccess = false)
@RolesAllowed({"admin", "ws"})
public class WebSecurityBean implements WebSecurity{
    public String echoForAdministrator(String str) {
        return str;
    public String echoForAll(String str) {
        return str;
    public String echoForNobody(String str) {
        return str;
    public String echoForUser(String str) {
        return str;
    public String echoForManageUsers(String str) {
        return str;



If my C# client have invalid user or password, jboss sends a message telling that.

If my C# client hava valid user a password, jboss throws an exception in methods that are not allowed to my user role.


My user have role "ws" and if i call method  echoForAdministrator or echoForNobody or echoForManageUsers I got an exception that starts like this:


ERROR [SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception

javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Caller unauthorized

at org.jboss.ejb3.security.RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptorv2.invoke(RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptorv2.java:199)

. . . .


In C# i got an exception that is ok, the user are not allowed to use this method, but why jboss receive an error exception from soap?


Can I do something to eliminate this exception?


I'm using JBOSS 5.10 and authentication on oracle db.

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