JBoss Community

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too : Forge Tools

new comment by Francisco Barros - View all comments on this blog post

I was having the same problem, I guess so, that Koen Aers (May 13, 2011 3:04 AM ) was. So I downloaded prettyfaces-forge-plugin source from https://github.com/ocpsoft/prettyfaces-forge-plugin (Downloads button, option Download Source). Unzipped it and used, instead of


"forge git-plugin git://github.com/ocpsoft/prettyfaces-forge-plugin.git",


this command: "forge source-plugin C:\Temp\ocpsoft-prettyfaces-forge-plugin-1.0.0.Alpha1-8-gbfbc643\ocpsoft-prettyfaces-forge-plugin-bfbc643".


But there was still a problem: I had to edit pom.xml and removed











from Brazil.