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How to read return-variable from bpmn files to java file?

created by mutou wang in jBPM - View the full discussion



I hava some problems here.


     StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();

              Map<String,Object>paras=new HashMap<String,Object>();

             paras.put("i", new Integer("1"));

             paras.put("ret", new Integer("10"));

                         // start a new process instance

                              ProcessInstance instance=(ProcessInstance) ksession.startProcess("org.jbpm.sample.hello",paras);



I hava two parameters here, "i' and "ret", "i" is the input and i want "ret" to be the output. Furthmore, the script in the bpmn file

will process the sentence:

        ret = 2 * i;

so  "ret" will be 2. However, in my java file after "System.out.println(paras.get("ret"));" was processed, it output 10.

I am confused that how to read the return value "ret" from the bpmn file and in my work, how to print the correct Integer 2 rather than 10???

should I utilize kcontext ? But kcontext is predefined in script, not in java file. How to define kcontext and utilize it to get varible???


Thanks !!!

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