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Start a task after another without showing task list in jbpm console

created by Alive Substance in jBPM - View the full discussion

My customer want to extend jbpm console and add new functionallity. As we now after a process starts the logged in user will assign a tasks from this process. Then he can view they in a Task -> Personal Tasks window. He starts the task and complete it and will see tasks list again. In order to start new task he should choose assigned task and press view.

Is there a way to exclude the step with showing tasks list and immediatelly start another task from a process? So, the flow will looks like:

Now: [human task 1] -> tasklist -> [human task 2]

Desired: [human task 1] -> [human task 2]


Any help will be very appreciated.


I stack a little at this task. I found that the FormDispatcherComposite is responsible to render task and the SyncTaskServiceWrapper is responsible for collabaration with task server. Unfortunatelly, I didn't work with GWT and can't find a point what exactly going on after I will close a task window. I think it will be a place from which I can continue my investagation.

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