JBoss Community

Re: Ear with jar and war with pure spring: how to configure?

created by Alexey Ulyanov in Snowdrop - View the full discussion

Hi Marius,


I have moved as you suggested core-spring.xml in the META-INF folder of ear, but app context is still loading twice.


Here is piece of Jboss bootstrap log:




18:28:55,252  INFO[  NamedXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.jboss.spring.factory.NamedXmlApplicationContext@1359c03a: startup date [Thu Jan 27 18:28:55 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy

18:28:55,431  INFO[NamedXmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from URL [vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/META-INF/core-spring.xml]

18:28:55,541  INFO[  DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@37cbcec3: defining beans [core.spring.context]; root of factory hierarchy


18:29:00,564  INFO [                 TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/MyProject

18:29:00,631  INFO [                    ContextLoader] Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started

18:29:00,640  INFO [   ClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext@52bf544c: startup date [Thu Jan 27 18:29:00 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy

18:29:00,645  INFO [          XmlBeanDefinitionReader] Loading XML bean definitions from URL [vfsfile:/D:/views/third-party/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/MyProject/deploy/MyProject.ear/META-INF/core-spring.xml]

18:29:00,651  INFO [       DefaultListableBeanFactory] Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory@2e57327: defining beans [core.spring.context]; root of factory hierarchy

18:29:00,653  INFO [VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Refreshing org.jboss.spring.vfs.context.VFSClassPathXmlApplicationContext@10ee0e60: startup date [Thu Jan 27 18:29:00 MSK 2011]; root of context hierarchy


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