JBoss Community

Project archive view no war option

created by batwishper in JBoss Tools - View the full discussion

I'm currently developing an gwt application using EJBs. My EJBs works fine on JBoss, no problem.

However, I'm now arrived to a point where I need gwt to be run on jboss as well in order to call the ejbs.

I found this : http://community.jboss.org/wiki/UseJBossToolsWithGoogleGWTPlugin

I installed it, no problem at all. The problem came with the "create a war" part.

I have installed JBoss Tool, and get the "Project archives" view, but no matter what, i don't have the war option in "new archive".

The only thing I get is "jar" ...


I look on the internet, but I haven't be able to find a solution.

I found this : http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/JBoss_Developer_Studio/3.0/html/JBoss_Server_Manager_Reference_Guide/Creating_Archive.html

and the note :

If you see only JAR from the list of available archive types, you should verify whether AS Tools plugins/features are in place. EAR, EJB JAR and WAR options are contributed by the AS Tools independently from webtools and the virtual project model. Thus, without them only JAR will show up.

And i simply don't understand what I need to do.


Can anyone explain it please ?

Thanks !


Configuration :

Ubuntu Linux 10.10

Eclipse JEE 3.6 (Helios)

JBoss 6


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