
Security principal propagation accross ejb3 modules

reply from Davide Tabarelli in EJB 3.0 - View the full discussion

No one is answering me ... maybe my question is too newbie/stupid or ill-posed ??


I suppose the last (ill-posed) and therefore I try to explain it again better.


As far as I know, credential/principal has to be propagated within ejb modules in the same JVM/JBoss instance, but it seems this doesn't happen in my system (JBoss 5.1.0 GA).


The situation:

- Two EJB modules in an EAR. Same security realm.

- A client (web or standalone ... doesn't matter) calls a method A inside a session bean in EJB A.

- The client is authenticated as Principal="SomeOne", Role="MyRole".

- The method requires role "MyRole" by means of @RolesAllowed("MyRole")

- The method A in turns calls a method B, that is inside another session bean in EJB B.

- Also the method B is marked with @RolesAllowed("MyRole").

- Resulting exception: "javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Caller unauthorized"


Looking into the logs (TRACE level) it points out that:

1) The call to the method A is succerssfully authenticated (Principal="SomeOne", Role="MyRole").

2) The principal/credentials get lost in the subsequent call to method B (Principal=anonymous).


Someone faced this issue before?




Thanking you in advance.



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