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JBPM5 production approach

created by sagar dhumal in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi all,


After going through forums,blogs and tutorial for couple of days to get famalier with JBPM,I have couple

of questions before using JBPM as workflow solution


1. I had set up enviroment using JBPM INSTALLER.As per my understanding it uses ANT scripts to install

DB and other related web applications such as jbpm-console,GWT server.Also database schema gets created

through hibernate when web applications gets deployed.


My concern is in production enviroment DBA wont allowed to create DB schema through application or we can say ant script.

So is there any DDL script to install schema on diffrent database.


2.If DDL scripts are not there is below startergy is fine in production env.

    a.create DDL scripts from dev DB installed through ant script and execute that scripts  in production DB.

    b.instead of creating DATASOURCE through ant scripts, create datasource manually and point it to DB created in step A.

    c.Deploy 5 web applications manually on production JBOSS AP,since these applications are required for process managment e.g GWT serever required

    to manage process through REST API and JBPM console is required checking process status and so on.


3.If above approach is not good for production can someone please tell me steps to deploy

processes in production with diffrent database and standalone JBOSS AS without ant script.


4.Also for process versioning or reository purpose it is recoomended to use GUVNOR repository.As per my understanding

we used to create process in eclipse and synch it to GUVNOR repository through plugin.But how could this approach is going to work in production.

Is there any way so we can build package from DEV repository and deploy it on production repository.


5.If anyone has deployed JBPM in production please let me know your suggestions and approach for it.


I will really appreciate your help guys.

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