Hello everybody,
I'm an issue after the migration from JBoss 3.2 to JBoss 6.0. All run expect log. I use jboss-logging.xml for each EAR deployed on JBoss to specify, the level, the pattern and the destination. After migrate on the code, to use org.jboss.logmanager and not org.apache.log4j I am problem to display the context with %x.
it can't give the context and i see this error : Log stack integrity error (there are currently 1 contexts into it) the number of context is give whith NDC.getDepth.
I thougth I have this problem because all ear isn't isolated but no because I'm tested after isolated and i have the same problem
You can see the log is good expect the context between the two chevron in red
<> <2011-08-31 07:55:09,129> <soap> <INFO> <generated : 54561>
This is the pattern used in jboss-logging.xml
<pattern-formatter pattern="<%x> <%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}> <soap> <%p> <%m>%n"/>
Thank you for your help and have a good day