JBoss Community

Accessing bpmn files from jBPM5 console.

created by bpmn2user in jBPM - View the full discussion

One can access the bpmn files from jBPM console using two options:


1.) Keep all the process files in a directory and provide the name of this directory  using  a parameter -Djbpm.console.directory to an application server (e.g., JBOSS/Tomcat).

2.) The bpmn files can also be retrieved from Guvnor, i.e., instead of reading from filesystem.


Currently the code looks for the second option first, i.e, read form Guvnor.If the files are not found, it would look into the local directory specified.

This approach takes significantly more time if the bpmn files are located in the local file system as it would wait for timeout associated with REST calls for process and image files.


I modified the code to change the sequence, i.e look into file system first and Guvnor later. I worked fine for me and I would like share the code if someone wants to use.

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