JBoss Community

Re: Concept of different locales/time zones in jBPM5

created by Michael Wohlfart in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Peter & HuiSheng,

I don't think the workflow engine should deal with things like timezones, DST or any kind of internationalization, that's not the job of the workflow engine. All dates and times the engine is dealing with should be UTC. Internationalization and localization, including calculating the local time for a specific user should happen in the user interface layer not in the core workflow engine.


The business calendar is a different story, right now there is a single business calendar per engine instance, and this doesn't cover all usecases. There might be users in different countries with different holidays. Having a business calendar per user seems to be a better approach but also a lot of overhead since most calendars are probably the same, but to me this seems to be the only change that is neccessary in jBPM4 to do localization.


Of course I might miss something, so please let me know if you think this wouldn't work...

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