JBoss Community

Re: How to properly use ContentMarshallerHelper for Human Task Output in JBPM5.3?

created by Dhaval Shah in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi even i am facing this issue...... i don't know about marshaller or any thing so can u plz help me


now when it is calling the ftl file on reaCHING HUMAN TASK      it is showing this on jsp page


Model Number: MarshalledContentWrapper{content=[B@1e0d7c5, marshaller=org.drools.marshalling.impl.SerializablePlaceholderResolverStrategy, type=class java.lang.String} Quantity: MarshalledContentWrapper{content=[B@75ffe5, marshaller=org.drools.marshalling.impl.SerializablePlaceholderResolverStrategy, type=class java.lang.String} Priority: MarshalledContentWrapper{content=[B@f31cdb, marshaller=org.drools.marshalling.impl.SerializablePlaceholderResolverStrategy, type=class java.lang.String}


and then textboxes and submit button.


when i submit it.


i am getting this output on my console.


Human Task Started....

Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.jbpm.task.utils.MarshalledContentWrapper

          at org.jbpm.task.utils.ContentMarshallerHelper.unmarshall(ContentMarshallerHelper.java:157)

          at org.jbpm.process.workitem.wsht.GenericHTWorkItemHandler$TaskCompletedHandler.handleCompletedTask(GenericHTWorkItemHandler.java:208)

          at org.jbpm.process.workitem.wsht.GenericHTWorkItemHandler$TaskCompletedHandler$1.run(GenericHTWorkItemHandler.java:187)

          at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)



how to resolve this issue can u plz help me on this

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