JBoss Community

Re: How to package bpmn files?

created by a_nat in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Jiri,


Thanks for your response.


This is not a one-time package deployment use case. Any BPM engine should have the ability to bundle thier contents (needless to say incrementally) so that it can be moved from dev - test - production just like the way we bundle a war /ear.


Consider  the scenario where I develop a new process in my standalone area, unit test it, put on guvnor, export my repository from Guvnor.

     - Should I give the repository xml export to modify the test / production environment?

     - Is it a developer's responsibility to ensure that they have all the packages / assets as in a production environment, before doing any new process so that they can do a repository export which will contain all the files?


Even though we talk of collaborative development by BA creating the first draft of process in Guvnor, then developer picking it up,  it never happen in a LIVE production environment?




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