Hi all,
I have a small test process that uses persistency to store process and knowledge session data into a database.As part of my process workflow I have a Rule Task that pulls WorkflowProcessInstance from a knowledge session, and therefore I have to insert process instance into a ksession, as shown on picture:
Upon signalEvent(), process continues, calls rule task and runs to completion, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The problem is that my rule does not run:
rule "Test WorkflowProcessInstance existence" ruleflow-group "test"
$p : WorkflowProcessInstance()
System.out.println("Process instance exists!");
It is obvious that I'm missing WorkflowProcessInstance in a knowledge session, and therefore I've added it.
But now I'm getting the following exception upon calling UserTransaction.commit() method:
java.io.NotSerializableException: org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl$1
at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1164)
at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:330)
It seems to me it is a bug in jBPM5.1, could someone please check it?
If this is a bug, I can create a Jira issue, but since I'm a jBPM greenhorn, I'd rather like to check on forum first because maybe I'm missing something obvious ;)
I'm attaching a sample Eclipse project with both persistent and non-persistent scenario.