JBoss Community

Re: How to use task and state in jbpm 4.4

created by Samrat Roy in jBPM - View the full discussion

There are multiple ways of doing it .. the way i have tackled it is :


Here is some sample code from my project.. I thought the best way was sharing related code.



// Controller code for .. notice approval or rejects comes from the same jsp in a parameter. :  The task Id is the is id of the task created for the user .. {lookup taskservice.. } you will need this taskid to track actions performed on a task ..



protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws ServletException {

        String requestId = request.getParameter("requestId");

       String status = request.getParameter("status");     // approved OR rejected captured from JSP

        String taskId = request.getParameter("taskId");

        String taskType=request.getParameter("taskType");

        LoginUser loginUser =(LoginUser)request.getSession().getAttribute(MasterUtil.LOGGED_USER);

       lmsService.approval(requestId,status,taskId,taskType,loginUser.getUsername());   // service method



        Map retMap = new HashMap();

        try {


        } catch (Exception e) {

            // TODO Auto-generated catch block



        //return new ModelAndView("redirect:/approveLeave.htm",retMap);

        return new ModelAndView(getFormView(),retMap);




// This is a method from lmsservice.. lmsService.approval() which takes care of the inputs from the controller.


public void approval(String requestID, String status ,String taskId,String taskType,String userId) {


            ApproveLeaveModel aml =leaveModuleDao.getLeaveRequestbyId(requestID);



        //leaveModuleDao.changeLeaveStatus(requestID, status);

        Map<String,Object> variables = new HashMap<String,Object>();

       variables.put("decision", status);                 // this is where you setup a variable in the process .. let a decision state decide on the //basis of this variable and take the appropriate route .. attached my jpdl image

       taskService.setVariables(taskId, variables); // assign variable to the process instance.


            taskService.takeTask(taskId, userId);


        taskService.completeTask(taskId);   // This completes a task marked by a  specific task id


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