JBoss Community

Re: saving state after workitem

created by Chris Melas in jBPM - View the full discussion


I tried out your code on jboss7, mysql and it worked fine with the following changes applied,


1. Introduce a KnowledgeRuntime field in your handler,

public class SaveStateWorkItemHandler implements WorkItemHandler {

    private KnowledgeRuntime session;


    public SaveStateWorkItemHandler() {



    public SaveStateWorkItemHandler(KnowledgeRuntime session) {


       this.session = session;




2. Complete the work item in your SaveStateWorkItemHandler as follows,


System.out.println("******** END SAVE-STATE SLEEP *************");

session.getWorkItemManager().completeWorkItem(myWorkItem.getId(), null);


3. Register your handler accordingly,

ksession.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("SaveState", new SaveStateWorkItemHandler(ksession));

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