Have just completed the following:
- a github account creation
- a fork of the https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm repository
- an update of the top-level pom to include some structure to the javadoc generation
- resolution of a handful of javadoc errors in the source code
- fixing tag recognition to removed 500+ javadoc compilation errors
- pushed changes back to the repository
- issued a pull request
If this gets accepted it means that we have:
- a buildable javadoc for the org.jbpm packages linked to the core java and drools javadoc
- a structured index page with a breakdown covering:
- Compiler
- Console
- Process
- Ruleflow
- Task
- Workflow
- Other Packages
- one example package documentation using a package-info.java source file (under org.jbpm.process.audit)
I've attached the javadoc generated from the proposed changes. If you take a look you will see that we still have a way to go on package, class and method documentation -- but this is a start. If you want to contribute - you don't need permission - just fork, clone, make your changes, commit, push, and issue a pull request.
Cheers, Steve.