Hi, I imported several process definition examples from Eclipse into Guvnor: Looping, HumanTask, BPMN2-ExclusiveSplit, BPMN2-gatewayTest, besides having already my own test example.
First of all, this was a two step sequence since after a couple of imports, processes were listed but their opening showed an empty panel till I got a jboss outOfMemory error. Then the usual jboss stop/restart.
Then I run build package for the defaultPackage and I got several errors for all processes.
The common one is "unable to parse xml : Exception class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : No interfaces found".
Another one is "unable to parse xml : Exception class org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException : invalid package name".
Indeed the package property was com.sample, so I turned it into defaultPackage. This raised other errors, such as "Parser returned a null Package", and "[ERR 102] Line 12:13 mismatched input 'true' in rule "RuleFlow-Split-com.sample.looping-4-5-DROOLS_DEFAULT"".
Basically I'm totally lost with the designer.