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Hibernate HQL optimization

created by csab79 in EJB3 - View the full discussion

hello Hibernate gurus!



I would like to improve my app performance through HQL optimzation.

I have a small example to show my problem:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"



    <class name="hibernate.classes.Peoples" table="PEOPLES" catalog="Dev1">


            <id name="PId" type="int">

                <column name="P_ID" />

                <generator class="identity"/>



            <property name="pfirstname" type="string">

                <column name="p_firstname" />


            <property name="plastname" type="string">

                <column name="p_lastname" />


            <property name="phobby" type="string">

                <column name="p_hobby" />




          <many-to-one name="address" class="hibernate.classes.Address" fetch="join" insert="false" update="false">

                      <column name="p_adress" not-null="true"/>







<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"



    <class name="hibernate.classes.Address" table="ADDRESS" catalog="Dev1">


            <id name="AId" type="int">

                <column name="A_ID" />

                <generator class="identity"/>



            <property name="street" type="string">

                <column name="a_street" />


            <property name="house" type="string">

                <column name="a_house" />


            <property name="district" type="string">

                <column name="a_district" />







I'd like to display rows from people and also show the appropriate person's address (foreign key bind)

When i use HQL join like this way:

session.createQuery("from  Peoples inner join Address")


I suppose in this case .tolist() does not work properly becouse there are additional join properties.


When i use simple ("from Peopes") HQL query together with many-to-one default lazy="proxy" the result
will be terrible slow.
Hibernate try to gets seperatly every row from Address with foreign key selects. (May is it the N+1 Select problem?)

This is an impact when i have many rows in my table.


What is the best practice when i always want to display this cross joined datas? 


(pfirstname, plastname, phobby, street, house)



Should i use iterator and manually place each property from the query result?


Thanks in advance!
Sorry for the dummy question! :S  

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