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Any info / developments / plans for a generic Web Service (SOAP) Service Task / WorkItemHandler?

created by geus in jBPM - View the full discussion

I'm a newbee to jBPM and please forgive me if this question is stupid ;)



I've tried to find information about calling a Web Service (e.g. SOAP), by e.g. adding a specialised Service Task in the Drools-Guvnor editor or in the Eclipse editor. It would be really nice to somehow use an existing WSDL and integrate it within the process design (and subsequentlty execute it afterwards).

Unfortunately, I have not found something which precisely covers this.


In this discussion (https://community.jboss.org/message/581911), the same question was asked but that was more than a year ago.

Also, I've noticed there exist several custom WorkItemHandler implementations which can be assigned to a custom Service Task (https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm/tree/master/jbpm-workitems/src/main/java/org/jbpm/process/workitem).

However, I did not find some SOAP / WSDL aware implementations.



Can anyone please point me to some more info or current developments on this?

Or is there a roadmap for such a feature?


Many thanks in advance!



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