I have a class hierarchy like this:
{code}A extends JComponent{code}
{code}B extends A{code}
I want to introduce an overloaded version of the {code}setVisible(..){code} method into class B using mixins, and do something like this:
@Mixin(target = B, interfaces = C)
public static CImpl doMixin(B b){
return new CImpl(b);
the C interface has a {code}setVisible(..){code} method, thereby overriding the original JComponent-version of the {code}setVisible(..){code} method.
My problem is, that I'm unable to call the original JComponent version of setVisible, as my mixin-class CImpl does not extend B (and wouldn't be the same object at runtime anyway).
Is there a way to get hold of the original setVisible(..) method, as I cannot call super in the CImpl class?
/Jesper Thuun-Petersen