JBoss Community

Jboss AS7 admin console not loading

created by Neeraj Tati in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion



I have installed the Jboss application server 7 and configuring it for the first time.

I am using it on Windows 2003 server.


I have executed the standalone.bat file which has made jboss AS started and I can access the link http://localhost:8080/ which shows me the default jboss page. I have also executed adds-user.bat file to add a management user. Now when I hit http://localhost:9990/console it takes me to http://localhost:9990/console/App.html but this shows me the error "The webconsole could not be loaded. Please refresh this page to start over."


Now I am not able to move further as I am not aware of what needs to be done to start the jboss admin console. I would appreciate  some help here.



Neeraj Tati.

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