JBoss Community

Re: Visibility of several (versions of) jar's in JBoss EAP 5.1

created by Ales Justin in JBoss Microcontainer - View the full discussion

For F: perhaps try to avoid big-ball-o-mud, and filter out the xxx.jar from ext delegates.


This is the code in BaseCLDomain that should help:


         if (policy.isImportAll())
            allExports = true;
      // Next we try the old "big ball of mud" model      
      if (allExports)
         loader = findLoaderInExports(classLoader, name, trace);
         if (loader != null)
            return loader;
      else if (trace)
         log.trace(this + " not loading " + name + " from all exports");
      // Next we try the imports
      if (info != null)
         loader = findLoaderInImports(info, name, trace);

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