JBoss Community

EJB is null Please Help

created by Manolescu Sebastian in EJB3 - View the full discussion



I try to use TestNG but the @EJB is null, but it's not a detailed error :(( . I use arquillian but I doubt that this is the problem in this case, I've made other tests just like this whit different services but the EJ is not null, only 4 out 0f 10 services are null. :0



In the surfire reports it shows:


SubscriptionSaveTest(com.project.scr.prj.service.SubscriptionServiceTest)  Time elapsed: 0.015 sec  <<< FAILURE!


    at com.project.scr.prj.service.SubscriptionServiceTest.SubscriptionSaveTest(SubscriptionServiceTest.java:98)





The test looks like


public class SubscriptionServiceTest {


    private final String TEST_VALUE = "test";

    private final Date TEST_DATE = new Date();

    private final Long TEST_LONG = 3l;



       public static WebArchive createTestArchive() {

         return      ShrinkWrap.create( WebArchive.class,"test.war").addPackages(true,"org.joda.time").addPackages(true, "javax.jcr").addClasses(com.mysql.jdbc.log.Log.class,com.project.scr.prj.model.Subscription.class).addPackage("org.slf4j").addPackage("org.slf4j.spi").addPackage("org.slf4j.helpers").addAsWebInfResource("test-persistence.xml", "classes/META-INF/persistence.xml").addAsWebInfResource("beans.xml", "META-INF/beans.xml");



     @EJB(name ="subscriptionService")

     private SubscriptionService subscriptionService;






     public void setUp()




     public Subscription FillSubscription(){


     System.out.println("TEST"+subscriptionService); // in the console shows null




     Sorry for my bad english :)



Best Regards

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