JBoss Community

Re: How to make Jboss server recognize Windows DLL

created by Peter Johnson in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

Set the filter to show only events from the process (pid) running JBoss AS. The easiest way to find the pid is to look for the java.exe process in Task Manager. If there are multiple such processes, you will have to determine which one is running JBoss AS - usually has a large memory footprint, also it helps if you can view the command line. Task Mangere for Server 2003 doesn't showthe command line, if I recall correctly, so you might need to get Process Explorer for sysyinteranls also - it will provide the command line used to start java.exe - look fo the org.jboss.Main class.


You might want to set a second filter that shows only file operations. Unfortunately, you can't set that as a single filter, but you can set the filter to remove events you don't care about. You don't need to filter out everything, just the really verbose stuff (that is, events that you don't care about but which happen quite often.


Once the filtering is set up, run your app which attempts to load the dll. Then see what files are being accessed, and whether it was successful or not.

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