We are using jbpm5.2 with open jpa. When we start the process, it is adding the processinstance to the processinstanceinfo and store the lob with state as inactive. In jbpm code, the process is getting set active after the internalstart of the process and then it executes 2 of the nodes and waiting for external event. But when the transaction commits, I see only the initial data getting stored into db with state inactive and so for the signal event, it is reconstructing the process with state inactive and nothing happens.
my questions are:
how do I make sure the processinstanceinfo blob is having up to date info on the process until the save point when the transaction commits and wait for external signal.
when I look at the update() method on processinstanceinfo class, it is having preUpdate() annotation but it doesnt appear to work otherwise the blob should have been updated as expected.
also in jbpm, after the internal start, the processinstance variable is getting updated which is declared as transient in processinstanceinfo class.Is this the problem that it is not updating the processinstanceinfo entity before it persist to the db.