JBoss Community

Re: javax.ejb.EJBException: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException

created by Diego Rivera in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

To clarify: the above isn't from the @Startup @Singleton @PostConstruct - that has "resolved itself" (probably because we managed to fix what now seems to have been the root issue - I've been unable to reproduce it since switching to static weaving).


The @ConversationScoped @PostConstruct is happening from a JSF component which accesses said bean.  Thus, there is a request, and there is already a (putative) session (or, should be created by the container if it doesn't exist).


Think of it this way:



<h:outputText value="#{conversation.someValue}"/>







public class Conversation implements Serializable {



   private Conversation conversation;



          protected void init() {

                    if (this.conversation.isTransient()) {


          // FIXME: Unelegant workaround since JBoss has no default injector for HttpSession

          // As I understand it, this violates Servlet and CDI specs for JEE6

          ExternalContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();

          HttpServletRequest req = HttpServletRequest.class.cast(ctx.getRequest());

          HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);

          this.conversation.setTimeout(session.getMaxInactiveInterval() * 1000);




    public String getSomeValue() { return "bla"; }



When one hits page.xhtml is when we get the above stack trace for @ConversationScoped @PostConstruct blablabla...


We also get the other "associate() before activate()" error on our form authentication page, and that one doesn't touch the conversation.


If we can fix these, I think we have a legitimate shot at finishing our port (and then I'll ask some rather silly questions about how to properly do JNDI name mapping so I can avoid code changes - all the docs I've found date back to JBoss 3 or earlier).

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