JBoss Community

Re: h2console.war and postgreSQL

created by harikris in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

Hi Wold-Dieter,


Thanks for the link to the source. I created the h2console from the soure and this time, i placed the postgres JDBC driver jar file in the WEB-INF/lib folder. Now, i am able to use the h2console to connect to postgresql database.


The h2console app that ships with the quickstart does not have any library jars in the WEB-INF/lib folder. Instead it specifies the dependencies in the META-INF/MANIFEST.mf file. I am positive both the h2 and postgres drivers are loaded while the JBoss starts - i can see the logs. But for some reason, this app only recognizes the h2 driver and fails to recognize the postgres driver. Looking at the source file, i am fairly positive that there is no "hardcoding" anywhere in there. So, it's still a mystery to me.


But thanks to the source, i am able to create a version that is functional.

And thanks also for suggesting an alternative to h2console tool - SQUirrel.


Apppreciate your pointers and tips.



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