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Re: JBPM-Model Driven Architecture(MDA)

created by Stephen McConnell in jBPM - View the full discussion

JBPM can be viewed as an specific BPMN 2.0 implementation.


Using an MDA approach one could imagine defining a platform-independent BPMN process in a tool like Sparx Enterprise Architect using an associated UML profile. That profile could constitute the Platform Independent Model (PIM). One could imagine a UML profile for JBPM which would define a Platform Specific Model (PSM).  Using model transformation tools we could potentially automate the transformation of the BPMN-PIM to the JBPM-PSM.


An OMG technology adoption process underway “UML Profile for BPMN Processes”. The latest submission from Axway, MEGA International, Model Driven Solutions, No Magic, and Sparx Systems is available here. The benefit of a standard UML Profile for BPMN is that BPMN models expressed in UML become transferable across tools, and as such you have a grounded specification against which you can write a PIM to PSM transformer.


So to answer the two question:


a) “Does the JBPM solution implement any MDA/MDD approach?” – No, but it can be part of an MDA/MDD solution.

b) “Is the solution aligned to the OMG? – Yes, in that it implements a sub-set of the OMG BPMN 2.0 specification.


Things to look out for:


a) a JBPM BPMN 2.0 Compliance Statement

b) a standard UML Profile for BPMN

c) a UML profile for JBPN

d) a specification of a standard UML/BPMN to UML/JBPN transformation mapping


Cheers, Steve.

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