
Swimlanes donĀ“t work

created by David Caicedo in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi Guys,


I´m trying an example , and I´m setting swinlanes like this:


     <swimlane name="solicitante">
        <assignment expression="group(solicitante)"></assignment>


    <swimlane name="oficial1">
        <assignment expression="group(oficial1)"></assignment>


    <swimlane name="oficial2">
        <assignment expression="group(oficial2)"></assignment>


    <swimlane name="jefeOficial">
        <assignment expression="group(jefeOficial)"></assignment>



After that I do an assigment, for example


<start-state name="Ingreso de Solicitud">
        <task name="Ingreso de Solicitud" swimlane="solicitante">
                <variable access="read,write,required" name="nombre"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write,required" name="apellido"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write,required" name="direccion"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write,required" name="cedula"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write" name="telefono"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write" name="tarjetaCreditoTipo"></variable>
                <variable access="read,write" name="tarjetaCreditoNumero"></variable>
        <transition to="Aprobacion de 1er Nivel"></transition>



Then I inserted a user and a  group into jbpm_id_user, jbpm_id_group and jbpm_id_membership


Finally changed web.xml







When  the process is  started another roles can see this task, but the task is assigned to solicitante, how can I set to only the role solicitante can see this task?





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