JBoss Community

Automatic re-deployment: stopped but not starting

created by piotrekde in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion



I have some strange issue with JBoss-5.0.0 (with hornetq). When I made some change in my application and redeploy it (just by deleting .ear  in deploy directory and then copying the newly created one), my beans are properly stopped, but nothing more happens.


Here is some part of logs:


00:28:02,796 INFO  [SessionSpecContainer] Stopping jboss.j2ee:ear=sis.ear,jar=sis.jar,name=BasicRequestSenderBean,service=EJB3
00:28:02,871 INFO  [EJBContainer] STOPPED EJB: eu.smoothit.sis.communication.intersis.request.BasicRequestSenderBean ejbName: BasicRequestSenderBean

00:28:02,796 INFO  [SessionSpecContainer] Stopping jboss.j2ee:ear=app.ear,jar=app.jar,name=DefaultRequestBean,service=EJB3

00:28:02,871 INFO  [EJBContainer] STOPPED EJB: pl.edu.uj.DefaultRequestBean ejbName: DefaultRequestBean


I use IDE without built-in j2ee support, so ANT is my build/deploy tool. Also it's a project I've joined recently so I don't know if it's behavior configured intentionally (is it possible to do so?). Where to look for answer?  (I've never met with anything like that before.)




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