Hi there, I'm doing the Mule integration as a community contribution, I don't even know the state of jboss esb, what are the supported versions and what about future roadmap for that product. Once I have a little bit of visibility about those topics I can work on JBoss integration as well.
There is no problem about that.
About the task lists, as you mention there are some clients that only need to remove the company logo, and there are some clients that wants to improve everything there for real usage. I personally think that for real, big applications you need to create something from the scratch where you have control about the performance, the mechanisms used to interact with the server, etc.
If you want to change the logo and the css for current tools, I think that you can do it right now, it's only to replace an image and the css files.. But we can improve that mechanisms as well. Feel free to create a jira issue for those topics.